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59 messaggi.
Lawrence Van Der Kolk S/Y Bravura
Devo dire che non mi aspettavo un servizio così completo. Da tutto l'equipaggio grazie grazie. Carlo avevi ragione i tuoi brioche sono migliori di quelli Francesi. S/Y Bravura
Tutti molto professionali e calorosi, il signor Carlo è stato un vero signore, ci ha portato pure le brioche sulla barca. consigliato!
Thank you so much Carlo for your warm welcome and showing us the best places in Crotone, croissants and coffee were fantastic!! Service was amazing and you guys are genuinely doing everything to make the experience in Crotone the best as possible! I would definitely recommend staying there if you stop by. All the best Carlo.
Thank you Carlo for your great hospitality. What a lovely way to see Crotone and learn all about it. Such a friendly service that we did not expect. You let us shelter from the storm in your berth and also gave us a warm welcome to Crotone. I will recommend you highly for the assistance and service. All the very best. Patrick
S/Y Dreamwweaver
Crotone .... Carlo nous amène des croissants chaque matin , une bouteille de vin blanc local pour l'apéro, et nous prête son antique Fiat 500 pour aller faire des courses ! Une escale à ne pas manquer entre la Croatie et Messine !
Ciao Carlo Thank you for the friendly service beyond all expectations. The croissants are delicous. So kind of you to take us to the market in your original Fiat 500. The best marina in Crotone by far. All the best from Mork and SY Gullvika
Carlo, the helping hand when i'm in trouble, thank you for all. Diesel and a berth i get on top 🙂 Thanks to Julio, too.
Thaís Cañadó
Abastecer o tanque nunca foi tão bom !!! Fomos recebidos pelo Carlos e seu filho, super simpáticos! Nos explicaram tudo sobre a cidade e um pouco da história !! Eles possuem também um lugar para pernoite com água e energia, muito mais aconchegante que ficar na Marina ! Merecem sem duvidas 5 estrelas, se pudesse daria 10!
S/Y Sitka are service ever and always with a smile....thanks for the delivery croissants for breakfast....thanks for the wine....see you again someday......greetz from Pat, Godfredo and Sue from Sitka
S/v Fitti
Thank you very much for that very nice service at the filling station and letting us ride you supersonic rocketstyle ebike. Mark
Pieta Kluytenaar
Beste bunkerstop ooit: We werden ontvangen door Carlo, de eigenaar met een Nederlandse vlag en ijs! Carlo, bedankt!
Owner and crew of Nashira
Dear Carlo, as always in the past, on our last passage a few days ago my wife, I and crew have been all once again absolutely overwhelmed by your kindness, welcome and service. Thank you, all the best and see you soon.
S/Y Farewell
Sismo stati una sola notte per fare rifornimento di gasolio. Accoglienza splendida da parte di Carlo e Marco, purtroppo non abbiamo avuto la possibilita' di visitare Crotone per il poco tempo a disposizione, con l'augurio di rivederci presto. Un saluto da parte dell'equipaggio del Farewell
M/Y Susidea
Siamo stati 8 giorni per la sostituzione di una pompa del gasolio ormeggiati vicino alla stazione di rifornimento della Carmar: l’assistenza ricevuta insieme alla cortesia è stata semplicemente unica. Non quella cortesia che sotto sotto pretende un compenso, ma qualcosa di spontaneo, di vera cortesia. Ringrazio ancora Carlo e Marco e ringrazio ancora per il buonissimo vino Efeso della Val di Neto che mi sto gustando ad Atene. Wolfango Gardel
M/y M.M
Seconda volta che riforniamo qui..stavolta di domenica, quando dovrebbe essere chiuso..tutto perfetto grazie alla disponibilità del team di Carlo e Marco.. come la prima volta, ci è stato offerto un vassoio di pasticcini e una bottiglia di vino... Ho avuto modo di scambiare 4 parole con Marco, preparato e auguriamo tutto il meglio per i vostri progetti.. m/y M.M
Igor Zunkovic, Marina Rotar, Richard and Patricija Cappadona
Dear Mr. Ing. Carlo Tricoli, By thinking about this passed year, we remembered you as really very special person, that we meet this year. You are a person with exceptional character and open straight forward positive mind and action. When we come to you this summer with our Pershing 65, after experiencing a really bad situation where we damaged our Boat and lost our Dinghy, we where in total stress arriving, but with your help and positive approach we remember you and Crotone as very positive life experience. We want to thank you ones more for your help in the summer and wish you, your family and your team Carmar merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to visit you and see you in the coming summer again in Crotone. Sincerely Igor Zunkovic Marina Rotar Richard Cappadona Patricija Cappadona
Cristina Hanner
Gent. Ing. Carlo, Grazie per i gialli Mondadori, sono ancora i migliori. Le ho lasciato in cambio altri libri e spero che la sua iniziativa di scambio libri continui con successo. Grazie ancora. Ci vediamo la prossima estate!
Hans Hansson
Thank you for all help when we were sailing in October with Mrs Robinson... Thanks for everything. Hans
Owner and crew of "Soňo"
Dear Carmar, We have very much appreciated your welcome, service and generous gift, please enjoy this token of our appreciation!
Caterina - S/V Dolphin Dreamer
We were en route from Corfu to Sicily and had to find a place to stop for fuel. We found the CarMar contact information in our guidebook and called on our way. Carlo went out of his way to What's App us with pictures of the fuel dock (at midnight) and even offered to serve us at the very uncivilized hour of 6am - on May 1 - a holiday in Italy!! When we arrived, there was a slight delay, during which he rolled out his enormous American flag (we're American), brought us fresh, warm pistachio croissants - as final farewell, he walked out of his office and gave us a lovely bottle of wine. As a fuel dock, CarMar offers exceptional service - above and beyond most anything we have seen (and at a very good price!); but Carlo's warm, delightful and truly authentic kindness is NOT to be missed. Even if you can get fuel elsewhere, don't. This guy is worth the stop....he might even serenade you too 🙂 Grazie Carlo, from the USA with "grateful hearts"!
